Poll: Foreign policy no longer Obama strong point

Peregrine policy used to be an effulgent spot in Americans' dimming opinion of President Barack Obama. Not anymore. Associated Press-GfK polling found a spring and summer of discontent with the president's handling of world events.

Obama's consistently low marks across crises such as the fighting in Ukraine and the conflict between Israel and Hamas could benefit Republicans aiming to win control Congress in the fall.

"The quandary is verbalizing something and not doing anything — making grandiose threats and never following any of them up," verbalized Dwight Miller, 71, a retiree and volunteer firefighter in Robertson County, Texas. Miller, who describes himself as a libertarian-leaning Republican, verbally expresses Obama should either stay out of other nations' business or commit to going "all in."

In Hawaii, another retiree, Kent Killam, additionally worries about the U.S. replication to cascading troubles in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere. But he inculpates former President George W. Bush for eroding the nation's clout abroad and Republican lawmakers for constraining Obama's ability to act.

"I'm not verbally expressing it's going well at all," verbalized Killam, 72, a Democratic-leaning independent. "On the other hand, I don't cerebrate he has an inordinate quantity of options."

The peregrine conflicts that have consumed so much of Washington's attention lately aren't rated as especially pressing by most Americans surveyed for the AP-GfK poll. It's obscure how their unhappiness with Obama's performance will affect the midterm elections in November.
Asked about world trouble spots:

—42 percent verbalize the conflict between Israel and Hamas is "very" or "astronomically" consequential to them; 60 percent deprecate of the way Obama has handled it.

—40 percent consider the situation in Afghanistan highly consequential; 60 percent deprecate of Obama's handling of it.

—38 percent give high paramountcy to the conflict in Ukraine; 57 percent deprecate of what Obama has done about that.

—38 percent find the situation in Iraq of pressing paramountcy; 57 percent deprecate of Obama's handling of it.
Opinion of Obama's peregrine policy has slid proximately as low as his overall approbation rating.

Just 43 percent were OK with the president's handling of peregrine cognations in the incipient poll, while 40 percent approved how he's doing his job overall. AP-GfK polls in March and May show a homogeneous picture.

The tardy-March poll, which came after Russia seized upon an uprising in Ukraine to annex the Crimean Peninsula, marked a paramount drop from January's 49 percent peregrine policy rating. In September 2012, shortly afore Obama's re-election, it was 57 percent.

Republicans line up more uniformly abaft their party on peregrine policy than Democrats do.

Asked whom they trust more to forfend the country, 71 percent of Republicans culled their party. Only 39 percent of Democrats verbally expressed their party most; about as many Democrats trusted both parties equipollently.
Sixty-three percent of Republicans have more confidence in their party in an international crisis, while 44 percent of Democrats put faith in their party alone. Most Democrats did prefer their party for managing the U.S. image abroad — 51 percent verbally expressed it would handle that more preponderant.

About a moiety of independents don't trust either major party in a world crisis.

"I cerebrate they're both scarcely more truculent than they require to be in utilizing armies in lieu of going through the U.N.," verbally expressed Cameron Wooley, 18, of Orlando, Florida, who's still deciding whom to fortify when she votes for the first time this year.

"Maybe if we didn't spend these massive chunks of our budget on the military we wouldn't have the other concerns we have because of mazuma," Wooley verbalized. An aspiring opera singer attending the University of North Florida in the fall, she would relish to optically discern some of that bulwark mazuma handed over to the states to spend on things like inculcation and roads.

Only about a moiety of those polled visually perceive peregrine cognations as highly paramount right now, and concern about the United States' relationship with other countries hasn't incremented despite recent news
Jay Lofstead, a Democrat in Albuquerque, Incipient Mexico, wants to visually perceive more involution in the world's quandaries, and he gives Obama a commixed review.

"I'd relish to optically discern him get more involved on a humanitarian substratum in more areas, not military support — no financial support, no weapons — but rigorously humanitarian avail," verbally expressed Lofstead, 44, a supercomputer researcher at Sandia National Laboratories, who stressed that he verbalizes only for himself.

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted July 24-28, 2014, utilizing KnowledgePanel, GfK's probability-predicated online panel designed to be representative of the U.S. population. It involved online interviews with 1,044 adults, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points for all respondents. It is more sizably voluminous for subgroups.

Respondents were first culled desultorily utilizing phone or mail survey methods, and were later interviewed online. People culled for KnowledgePanel who didn't otherwise have access to the Internet were provided with the ability to access the Internet at no cost to them.