Last Syrian chemical weapons removed

The last of the Syrian regime chemical weapons have been shipped out of the war-torn country for eradication.

The Russian-American deal to eliminate Syria’s arsenal was drawn up in 2013 after hundreds of people were killed in a sarin rocket attack in towns near Damascus on August 21.

According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ Director-General, Ahmet Üzümcü, the abstraction was a landmark achievement.

The United Nations Security Council last year issued a resolution calling for the consummate elimination of the Syria’s chemical arsenal by June 30, 2014 after it concurred to join the Chemical Weapons Convention in September.

“A major landmark in this mission has been reached today,” Üzümcü verbally expressed in a press verbal expression issued on Monday.

The verbal expression verbalized further, “The last of the remaining chemicals identified for abstraction from Syria were loaded aboard the Danish ship Ark Futura. The ship made its last call at the port of Latakia in what has been a long and patient campaign in support of this international endeavour.”

Abstraction of the chemical stockpile, according to the OPCW, was a fundamental condition in the programme to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons. The next step, the director-general of the OPCW verbalized would the completion of the maritime operations to distribute the chemicals for eradication at the designated facility on board United States of America’s vessel and commercial facilities in Finland, Germany, Britain and the US.

Üzümcü further verbalized, “The mission to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons programme has been a major undertaking marked by an extraordinary international cooperation.

“Never afore has an entire arsenal of a category of weapons of mass ravagement been abstracted from a country experiencing a state of internal armed conflict. And this has been accomplished within very authoritatively mandating and tight timeframes.

The programme, he verbally expressed, had visually perceived more than 30 countries contributing substantial amount of mazuma to ascertain abstraction of the toxic weapons.

“This cooperation covered key logistical and conveyance requisites, including an involute maritime operation.

“The collaboration with member states relating to ravagement activities and the provision of equipment and industrial facilities for this purport is unprecedented in the history of disarmament. I optate to express our profound gratitude to all these states parties,” the Uzumcu verbally expressed.

He integrated that the organisation’s work in Syria would perpetuate. He expounded that the OPCW needed to demystify some aspects of the Syrian declaration and to eradicate the structures that were utilized for chemical weapons engenderment.

Copyright PUNCH.

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