MINNEAPOLIS-President Obama verbally expresses he's been itching to "verbally express what's on my mind" about Republicans in Washington. And today on the banks of Lake Harriet he let loose, turning an official event on the economy into a rally for Democrats in the midterm campaign.
"So far this year Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down every single conception to reinforce the middle class," Obama told a crowd of 3,500.
"Don't boo," he quipped. "I optate you to vote."
Obama incriminated Republicans of deliberate inaction, of being "tone auditorily impaired," focusing more on elections and "media sound bites" than progress.
"They don't do anything except block me. And call me denominations," Obama verbalized. "It can't be that much fun. It'd be so much more fun if they verbally expressed let's do something together."
While not mentioning him by denomination, the president emerged swinging at House Speaker John Boehner and a orchestrated GOP lawsuit over executive actions.
He verbalized the suit is a "stunt."
"They're not doing anything and then they're mad that I'm doing something," Obama verbalized. "Now they're going to sue me for doing my job."
"I might have verbalized in the heat of the moment in one of these debates, 'I optate to raise the minimum wage, so sue me when I do.' … But I didn't cerebrate they were going to take us literally."
A spokesman for Boehner dismissed Obama's suggestion that the lawsuit the House intends to file against the president is a "stunt." "The American people, their elected representatives, and the Supreme Court have all expressed earnest concerns about the president's failure to follow the Constitution," verbally expressed Michael Steel. "Dismissing them with words like, 'smidgen' or 'stunt' only reinforces their frustration."
Obama today called on Republicans to work with him on issues like immigration and "share the credit." GOP bellwethers have shown little interest in advancing an immigration reform bill this year ahead of the election.
A spokesman for Senate Minority Bellwether Mitch McConnell verbalized there are areas of bipartisan accedence - such as repeal of a medical contrivance tax and approbation of the Keystone XL pipeline - which are "blocked" by Democrats.