Doctors meet, may call off strike today

Dr. Kayode Obembe
Dr. Kayode Obembe
Medical medicos under the aegis of the Nigerian Medical Association will hold an emergency delegates meeting in Abuja on Monday (today), to review their authoritative ordinances and negotiations with the Federal Regime.

According to one of delegates, the meeting was called to appraise the outcome of the Friday meeting that was held in Abuja between the members of the NMA’s National Executive Council ,the Secretary to the Regime of the Federation, the Minister of Health and other top officials in the Federal Ministry of Health.

The source verbalized that the outcome of the meeting would determine whether the nationwide strike which is in its second week would be suspended.

He verbally expressed, “We can’t call off the strike without the congress meeting. That is where we are going to decide whether or not we are gratified with whatever accedence the executives have reached with the Federal Regime. We will appraise what is on offer vis a vis our authoritative ordinances. Then we will take the stand of the house back to the regime for further negotiation.

“Many of the issues raised in the letter we indited to the Secretary to the Regime of the Federation have not been addressed and it seems that they are playing politics with a very delicate situation that may cause anarchy and division in the health sector. It was surprising when we read in the news that the Federal regime verbally expressed it had reached an acquiescent with us.”

Medical medicos in the federal and verbalize-owned hospitals had embarked on a nationwide strike on July 1 over issues relating to appointments of officers into cull positions in the nation’s public health institutions.

The NMA, in a 24-point demand letter to the Federal Regime in June, directed that either such positions be inverted or medicos would embark on a nationwide strike.

However, there are denotements that the industrial action may be suspended by this week after the delegates meeting which would have in attendance, the state chairmen and members of the NMA National Executive Council.

Meanwhile, patients have perpetuated to bear the brunt of the action as medical accommodations have been paralysed in public hospitals across the country. Relations, who could afford the astronomically immense treatment cost, have been moving their sick family members to private hospitals, while the poor rest their hope on divine rejuvenating.

Meanwhile, members of the Medical Consultants Association of Nigeria have opted out of the nationwide strike and assured the nation of uninterrupted hospital accommodations.

The MDCAN National President, Dr. Steven Oluwole, verbalized the group’s members were complying with the ruling of the National Industrial Court which verbally expressed that all parties should maintain the status quo till disputes were resolved.

Oluwole verbalized, “The MDCAN complies plenarily with the restraining order on all parties, which is contained in the ruling, distributed by Hon. Justice M.N. Esowe on June 27, 2014.

“In the same vein, MDCAN expects the other parties to the above suit to comply plenarily with the terms of the verbalized restraining order. Branches of the MDCAN and individual consultants should perpetuate to provide accommodations to patients, but should exercise their professional judgment as to the best care feasible and practicable in the current situation.

“All patients and Nigerians are assured of quality and uninterrupted health-care accommodations. MDCAN pleads with the Federal Regime of Nigeria to do all that is compulsory to bring an expeditious end to the current impasse.”

However, the NMA President, Dr. Kayode Obeme, had demystified that last week’s interim injunction by the National Industrial Court had no link with the doctors’ strike as it was merely an issue between MDCAN and regime.

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