Toyin Lawani, celebrity stylist, tells Ademola Olonilua about her fashion and style
How did you discover your zealousness for fashion?
I won’t verbally express that I discovered an ardency for fashion. I have always been a fashionable person since I was adolescent, so fashion to me comes naturally. But it got to a point where I realised that I don’t want to be miserable doing what I don’t love doing for a living, so logically, the first option for me was to find solace in what I doted doing, and fashion was there for me. That is why there is no aspect of fashion I have not dived into, from retailing to styling to resplendency and even wellbeing. I have always wanted to be a fashion entrepreneur.
Why did you opt to go into fashion designing?
I did not optate to become one of those miserable people doing what they don’t love doing for a living, hence I opted for what I doted doing. More so, I didn’t want my aptitude to waste. I wanted people to benefit from my conceptions and expertise. That is one of the reasons I establish my fashion academy. I have plans to do more with the aptitude God has given me. I went plenarily professional when I felt I was yare to commence making mazuma.
How often do you wear your own engenderments?
I wear them from time to time. This is my vocation and I am supposed to make mazuma from it. How will I get clients if I don’t wear what I engender? People have to visually perceive that you believe in the dream afore they commence to believe in you or start patronising you. I withal dote my engenderments. I only wear what I dote. Right now, that is what I am wearing.
Would you verbally express there is a clear-cut distinguishment between being a fashion designer and a tailor?
It is a tricky question. To me, a designer is someone who engenders while a tailor is someone who avails them bring their vision to life. One person can additionally be both. Not all designers ken how to sew, but some tailors have grown to become designers.
What makes you different from any other fashion designer?
I design all my pieces from scratch to go in line with whatever the client wants, be it video or red carpet appearances, weddings, etc
How much did you sell the first cloth you made?
That was when I was 16 and it was N5000. I sold the cloth to a fellow student.
What is the most expensive item you have sold and how much did it cost?
I sold an item for N1m and it was a celebrity that bought it. My business is very lucrative, I must verbalize.
Do you cerebrate Nigerians prefer to patronise peregrine designers or Nigerian designers?
Nigerians prefer peregrine designers, I descried this very early and because my designs have the peregrine feel, they dote it. I don’t patronise Nigerian designers often because I even wear my own designs.
Do you have a fashion impotency?
I just love everything about fashion. I dote the shoes, the bags, the habiliments and even the adjuncts. I just love fashion. I dote wearing dresses that I would feel free and I withal love wearing trainers.
What is that fashion item you cannot leave home without?
I must go out with my glasses, no matter what. I don’t cerebrate I can leave home without it.
What is the most memorable fashion gift you have been given?
A fashion card and diamonds.
What are the mundane fashion errors Nigerians make?
Nigerians don’t fixate on details. That is just the major fashion error we make here.
What’s your favourite hairstyle?
I don’t have a favourite in particular. I wear anything that fits me. My schedule might be tight but since I have my own salon, I do my hair every week.
What is your take on ladies exposing their cleavage and wearing skimpy dresses?
One at a time. You can’t expose both. In any case, just go for what suits you.
When stepping out for an event, what are the things you consider?
I always consider the kind of event and I consider if the dress is congruous for the event, then I am good to go.
How much of make-up do you relish?
I abhor heftily ponderous makeup so I go all day without make-up except when I have to attend events.
What fashion item do you venerate on a man?
I dote men who wear white sneakers and expensive wrist watches
What are some fashion mistakes Nigerians make especially celebrities that irk you?
I won’t call it a fashion mistake, but I execrate to visually perceive lace wig. It is nothing personal.
What are the rudimental fashion rules people should be cognizant of especially while stepping out for an event?
They should just stand out. That is all that is paramount.
How do you come up with your design conceptions?
I am a deep ruminator, I additionally relish to cerebrate outside the box. If you have visually perceived my designs, there is something you go back home with, it is unique.
How has it been cumulating work with being a mother?
It has not been facile being a mum and coalescing all my businesses but when you have the fortification of the family, it’s all good.
Would you sanction your child do the kind of business you are doing?
Oh affirmative. I would relish to keep the legacy. All parents want the best for their kids, and if this is what makes any of them jubilant, why not?
How would you describe the Nigerian fashion industry, has it reached its full potential?
Not yet but we are growing gradually. We will get there one day.
In your line of business, you must have been well travelled, how would you rate Nigerians in terms of fashion, how fashionable are Nigerians?
We are authentically very fashionable; the good thing is that we are valiant.
You are engaged to a younger man, is there any reason you concurred to be with a younger person?
It is the will of God.
There has been reproval about your relationship with a younger man. Do such verbalizes bother you?
No, it doesn’t authentically bother me.