India women: Arrests over 'revenge rape' in Jharkhan

Demonstration against rape in India
A teenage girl in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand has been raped in apparent revenge for an alleged assault on another woman, police say.
Three people were apprehended, including a village head who is incriminated of approving the alleged malefaction.

The 14-year-old girl was allegedly ravished this week after her brother was inculpated of assaulting a woman.

Violence against women remains deeply entrenched while calls to address the quandary have grown in recent years.

Scrutiny of sexual violence in India has grown since the 2012 gang rape and murder of a student on a Delhi bus.

The regime tightened laws on sexual violence last year after widespread protests following that attack.

In the latest incident, the village head was apprehended along with the alleged ravisher himself and the brother of the girl.

"This ravishment transpired out of retaliation," Jharkhand police chief Rajiv Kumar told the BBC.

"The day afore, on 6 July, the wife of the incriminated was the victim of misconduct on the component of the girl's brother. The head of the village was instrumental in inciting this ravishment on the victim."

The girl was taken to hospital after the assailment and has given a verbal expression to the police.

Mr Kumar verbalized he had never auricularly discerned of any case like it on his time exhibiter, but this is the the latest in a string of gruesome incidents involving the ravishment of adolescent girls in India.

In May two teenage girls found hanging from a tree in a village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh had been allegedly gang-ravished.

Earlier this year, a 20-year-old tribal woman was gang-ravished in eastern West Bengal state - allegedly on the orders of village elders who had remonstrated to her relationship with a man.

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