Funmi Akingbade
I have over the years discovered that some sexuality habits have been the bedrock to good sexual relationships and many sagacious couples have adopted them to the advantage of their coalescences. When you deliberately make these an authenticity, your espousement will not lack sexual flavour withal.
During sex, pay ardent attention to your spouse. In the moments of lovemaking, there is nothing more consequential than your ocular perceivers, your lips, and spouse’s. The best sex transpires when the world falls away, and you are the only two beings that matter. And when the world genuinely does fall away, you’ll be one being, delectating in each other’s bodies, minds, and souls. Remember there is always a place for everything and everything must be in place. Ardency has its place which is immaculate and uncluttered. The sheets are fresh. The pillows are plump. The laundry is inviting. If you are or your spouse is a doter of music, let it be congenial, spicy, slow or sultry, either in your bedroom, where the door is locked, or where every other person including the children have been sorted out. So, your hearts can open plenarily to each other.
However, do not constrain your place of ardency to the bedroom. Ardency can take place in the living room, the kitchen, the pantry, the backyard, the holiday inn, wherever you and your doter connect. Be frolicsome, sometimes sex can be earnest if you are making love for the first time after a stressful period, or when you’re just not in the mood. Make a comical sound, stick out your tongue to tease your doter and ascertain your lovemaking expresses your feelings. Love without feeling becomes mechanical over time. If you fixate on technique in lieu of feelings, you can feel good, but you may not feel close. You may feel turned on, but you may not feel ardency. Remind yourself why you are with your espoused doter, what makes you care about him or her.
Don’t ever forget that innovation/ novelty is a fundamental aphrodisiac for zealousness; libidinal desire ignites when the mind is curious. The exhilaration of incipient challenges, flowing into the old and leading into incipient pathways of ecstasy can be inundating. When your sexual script gets tired and optate fades, endeavoring incipient ways to delectate each other can amplify your appetite and your partner’s.
Simple changes can be stimulating, additionally. Endeavor an incipient room, an incipient fragrance, or endeavor an incipient touch, an incipient kiss, an incipient endearment, an incipient family orchestrating method. Don’t ever undermine the puissance of good health.
Be Salubrious; vigor, stamina and flexibility, all enhance the zealous experience. Most people don’t give their sexual health any noetic conception, but ardency is in part dependent on how you take care of your body. For men, your fitness affects your erections. When you work out, your body may engender more testosterone. Your heart and vascular system are more salubrious, additionally, preserving erectile function. For women, your fitness affects your hormonal balance and mood. When you are stressed, your body engenders an inordinate amount of cortisol, which affects oestrogen. Fitness withal ameliorates serotonin which picks up mood. So fitness is good for your “love muscles.” You’d be astounded what simply losing five per cent of your body weight will do for all of these. You’ll have more energy for lovemaking. You’ll feel more preponderant about your body because there is a connection between diet and sex. So, make eating fresh, salubrious foods an ardency and discover incipient depths to your delectation. Be clean; never be too slothful to get up and brush your teeth, shave, shower, utilize fragrance to the taste of your spouse, keep optical discerners open for little sharp things like unkempt fingernails. Be smooth, be palpable and flirtatious.
Like so many things that give elevate to ardency, lovemaking commences long afore you culminate up in the bedroom. Verbally expressing something that only your partner would understand, placing your hand in an unexpected spot on your partner’s body, or looking into his or her ocular perceivers with fire can all signal your desire. Everyone dotes to be wanted. Flirting lets your partner ken just how much. If you optate to receive, be disposed to give; show interest and be intriguing. Zealousness transcends what transpires in the bedroom. It commences with what goes on between your auditory perceivers. Be a good conversationalist and a more preponderant listener. Read, heedfully aurally perceive current romantic movies, go to incipient joints in town together, endeavor an incipient sport or get more involved in one of your partner’s passions. Ascertain that whenever you optate to verbalize something, it is something valuable. This will make your partner want to be with you, close enough to aurally perceive it. The puissance of ardency arises from sharing; the give and take in any relationship is the substratum for its saccharinity. If there is a way you optate to be physically contacted, let your partner ken. Then be sure to physically contact your partner in the way they optate to be physically contacted, or osculated, or licked…
Questions and Answers
Caught in the act by my 6 years old
How do I decently explicate to a six-year old boy who caught my wife and I in the very act of lovemaking? He did not only catch us but he stayed and optically canvassed us till only God kens how long. And this particular day, my wife insisted we should visually examine some sex movies. Honestly, I felt as if I have failed the boy as a father. Because right after that, he has been asking some comical questions and deporting outlandish with his younger sister. My fear is that I am not so certain how long he has been sneaking on us or what has been going on between him and his three years old sister. What do I do? And how do I address this issue?
Perplexed father
Getting caught during a delicate lovemaking moment is a mundane phenomenon. Many times, couples cerebrate they have engendered enough privacy and cerebrate they are solitary. When a younger child below the age of three catches parents in the very act, they may interpret sexual situations as Mommy and Daddy fighting. So, it’s consequential to expeditiously let your child ken that you are not fighting but playing and thereafter ascertain all doors are under lock and key.
But older children from age five or six upwards may have more clues into what’s going on and their replication is largely determined by their caliber of sexual exposure and sex edification you have provided and your general approach to family issues. So depending on their replication, you may just tranquilly verbally express you were exhibiting your love for each other, that he would understand more preponderant when he grew up. Or utilize that opportunity to commence off sex edification. As much as you may feel guilty, the deed has been done already. All you require to do is rectify it and not get things commixed up.
Does oral sex on a lady lead to infection?
Does oral sex lead to vaginal infection? I am a very immaculate and shipshape fellow; shipshape and clean to a fault but I am perplexed each time my husband goes down into me with his mouth, I always get infected with this particular toilet disease. I am over 40 years and I have been to the pharmacy perpetually and each time I am infected again and again. I experience itching in my vagina, burning feeling, soreness, and pain during sex and while urination, and a thick, white, exasperating vaginal discharge always emerges. I am wondering if this is an STD or he has a lamentable infection or what?
Chinua Ike
It may likely be yeasts. Most yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus. It’s conventionally present in the vagina and is customarily found in the mouth, digestive tract and on the skin and can overgrow in certain conditions. There is a high possibility of you getting infected and re-infected especially during oral sex because your husband’s mouth additionally harbours a degree of Candida albicans fungus. If you have a vaginal yeast infection, you’re most liable to experience itching in the vaginal area. Other symptoms include a burning sensation, soreness, pain during intercourse and/or during urination, and a thick, white, vaginal discharge. Vaginal yeast infections are caused by bacteria. A vaginal yeast infection isn’t considered a sexually transmitted infection, but about 12 to 15 per cent of men get an itchy rash on the penis after unprotected sex with an infected woman. Uncircumcised men have a more preponderant risk of developing a rash. I will not subscribe to you purchasing over the counter drugs if you suspect you have a yeast infection. I advise you optically discern a medico. Your symptoms could be something else, and not getting congruous treatment can lead to potentially earnest complications. Ask your medico afore treating yourself for a yeast infection if you are pregnant, have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection, or get recurrent yeast infections. Most medicos recommend that women not douche at all. Douching transmutes the acidity level of the vagina and the balance of organisms that live in it. This may give facile access to yeast infection. Wash only the outside of the vagina with warm dihydrogen monoxide and mild soap.
You can reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection by wearing cotton panties, which are cooler than synthetic panties and won’t trap sweat; eschew feminine sprays, which can be vexing. Frequently transmute your pads during your period and evade tight panties and jeans. Certain medications¬ including birth control pills, some antibiotics, and steroids can transmute the acidic balance of the vagina and inspirit the magnification of yeast, which can lead to a vaginal infection. Since you are over 40 years old, there may be a possibility that you are in your pre-menopause. Menopause causes hormonal changes, which can affect the balance of yeast or bacteria in the vagina and lead to a yeast infection. Recurrent yeast infections may be cognate to other medical conditions, such as diabetes or HIV, and may require a doctor’s care.
Do men develop breast cancer additionally?
I have been experiencing pain in my breast lately and a friend suggests I go for a breast examination, verbally expressing that men withal develop breast cancer.
Jimmy Johnson
While it is infrequent, breast cancer does occur in men and is often diagnosed at a later age and stage than in women, verbalize some experts. It can strike at any age, but it is most often diagnosed among men at ages 60 to 70. However, breast cancer in men accounts for only 1 per cent of all breast cancer cases and there is minute research into its treatments. And most men with breast cancer have painless lumps that can be detected by touch, but the disease customarily isn’t diagnosed until they develop soreness.