President Obama Is First Ever to Cut Line at Famous Austin BBQ Joint

President Obama Cuts Line at Franklin BBQ

At Franklin BBQ in Austin, where the hours of operation are quaintly listed as “11 a.m. — sold out,” the hankering and the hungry wait in line for hours for the famous brisket, pulled pork and ribs.

And, while you can pay someone to stand in line for you, there’s a stringent no-cutting rule.

Unless you’re the President and are accompanied by armed agents.

Skipping to the front of the line on Thursday to get takeout for Air Force One’s return flight to Washington, D.C., Obama apologized to Bruce Finstad of Houston, who’d just reached the counter with his daughter, Faith, and then insisted on paying for their repast.

The Finstads, with two other family members waiting at a table, proceeded to authoritatively mandate three pounds of beef, two pounds of ribs, a moiety-pound of sausage and a moiety-pound of turkey.

“Hold on,” Obama verbalized, leaning in proximate to Bruce Finstad. “How many folks are y’all feedin’?”

With the total bill topping $300, Obama had to bum a credit card off White House trip director Marvin Nicholson — after jestingly querying if Nicholson’s credit was good.

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