President Obama: ‘We Tortured Some Folks’

President Obama CIA torture 
President Obama endeavored to put a blissful face on his Friday remarks to the media, exalting his administration’s excellent job magnification, a fortifying economy, and his perpetuated efforts to make the United States a more preponderant place for all those “hardworking Americans”.

Unfortunately, however, along with thousands of immigrant children arriving at the U.S. border and the resulting humanitarian crises, Putin travestying him while the Ukraine situation spirals out of control, and the perpetuated war between Israel and Hamas, President Obama had some more deplorable news:

A looming Senate Intelligence Committee report that verbalizes the United States utilized some techniques that could be called torture in the years following 9/11, reports Yahoo News.

President Obama acknowledged the acts took place afore he took office but, affirmative, we “tortured some folks”. At the same time, President Obama, called any efforts to penalize those involved “sanctimonious”, and poo-pooed the notion that CIA Director John Brennan should resign:
The report is believed to contain, in explicit detail, how the United States used techniques such as waterboarding, which meets the international definition of torture, when querying suspected terrorists about any upcoming attacks and their operations.

President Obama put a cessation to the alleged torture when he took office in 2008. Even so, many irate liberals called for the heads of those involved. Attorney General Eric Holder moved forward with an investigation into the interrogations program in 2009, but the assigned prosecutor wouldn’t bring any charges.
 reports that President Obama additionally took congressional Republicans to task for adjourning and taking off for their Summer break afore brokering an accedence on a border bill to deal with the inundating influx of immigrants on the U.S. border, Obama focusing particularly on the humanitarian desiderata of the children.

The chastising of the Republicans led President Obama to his next point: That he would anon take executive action to deal with the astronomically immense number of Central American migrant children.

“While they’re out on vacation, I’m going to have to make some tough culls to meet the challenge, with or without Congress,” verbalized President Obama.

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