Woman Beats 79-Yr-Old Husband Over 4-Decade-Old Affair

A Japanese woman is accused of beating her 79-year-old husband to death with a "stick-like object".

The suspect identified as Yoshiko Suzuki, additionally aged 79, was apprehended following the assault she allegedly carried out on Sunday over the a row the two had 40 years ago, Inquirer.net provides. 
According to the reports circulating in the media, the woman expounded why the quarrel had commenced:

"My husband lost his job about 40 years ago because of an affair with a woman. We have often quarrelled over this matter."

The spouses’ 43-year-old daughter, who lived with her parents, was out when the tragedy occurred. Suzuki was apprehended the next day, the police spokesman told AFP.

A kindred incident took place last August, when an elderly woman battered her 70-year-old husband to death with a coffee cup over cheating.