U.S. prepares to receive two American aid workers stricken with Ebola

Handout photo of Dr. Kent Brantly speaking with colleagues at the case management center on the campus of ELWA Hospital in Monrovia 
Two American avail workers, both solemnly ill after being infected with the pernicious Ebola virus in Liberia, will be flown to the United States and treated in isolation at an Atlanta hospital, officials verbalized on Friday.

A plane equipped to convey Dr. Kent Brantly and missionary Nancy Writebol can carry only one patient back at a time, and Christian palliation group Samaritan's Purse verbalized it did not ken who would return first.

"We have learned that we will be receiving a patient with Ebola at Emory University Hospital on Saturday," verbally expressed Holly Korschun, spokeswoman for the facility where they will be treated.

"The second patient was going to follow in the next few days," she integrated.

Officials verbally expressed bringing the stricken avail workers to the United States would not put the American public in jeopardy.
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The Aeromedical Biological Containment System (ABCS) is shown in this undated handout photo provided …

The two will be treated primarily by a team of four infectious disease medicos. They will be able to visually perceive doted ones through a plate glass window and verbalize with those outside their rooms by phone or intercom.

The patients are avail workers from North Carolina-predicated Samaritan's Purse and missionary group SIM USA who were availing respond to a West Africa Ebola outbreak that is the worst on record. More than 700 people have died from the disease since February.

A plane dispatched to Liberia to bring them back piecemeal has landed in the West African nation, and the two avail workers were verbalized to be stable enough for convey, an Emory University Hospital epidemiologist verbally expressed.

The facility at Emory, set up with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and one of only four in the country, is physically separate from other patient areas and provides a high caliber of clinical isolation.
"We have a specially designed unit, which is highly contained. We have highly trained personnel who ken how to safely enter the room of a patient who requires this form of isolation," Bruce Ribner, an infectious disease specialist at Emory, told a news conference
 Doctors will endeavor to maintain blood pressure and support their breathing, with a respirator if needed, or provide dialysis if they experience kidney failure, as some Ebola patients do, Ribner verbalized.

"But fundamentally we depend on the body’s bulwark system to control the virus. We just have to keep the patient alive long enough in order for the body to control this infection,” he verbalized.


Brantly, a 33-year-old father of two adolescent children, and Writebol, a 59-year-old mother of two, will each arrive at Dobbins Air Reserve Base outside Atlanta afore being conveyed to Emory, officials at the Pentagon and the hospital verbalized.

Ribner verbalized he hoped the medical support available at Emory could ameliorate the chances of survival from that optically discerned on the ground in West Africa. The hemorrhagic virus can kill up to 90 percent of those infected, and the fatality rate in the current epidemic is about 60 percent.
 "We have to be very sensitive to the fact that that's occurring in a healthcare system which does not function at the same level as our healthcare functions," Ribner verbally expressed.

Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, verbalized the federal agency would avail ascertain there is no peril of the virus spreading as the workers are conveyed, and accentuated Ebola was not transmissible through casual contact. He additionally expressed hope on CNN that "irrational fears do not trump our compassion.”

"Ebola is a sizably voluminous risk in Africa," Frieden told CNN. "It's not going to be an astronomically immense risk in the U.S."

Yet even as officials endeavored to reassure the public, some on Twitter greeted the news that American Ebola patients would return to the United States with alarm.

    "Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest caliber, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!" billionaire businessman Donald Trump tweeted.

President Barack Obama verbally expressed the United States was "taking the felicitous precautions" and that some participants at an Africa summit next week in Washington would be screened for exposure to the virus.

Samaritan's Purse and SIM verbalized they were sending 60 salubrious U.S. staff and family members home from Liberia by this weekend.